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We tell you that....

It was 2006, still a crisis for Alitalia. We wrote a plan, and they told us it was too ambitious. 2020 was another Alitalia crisis; we improved the plan and presented ourselves with ideas, money, and enthusiasm. We loved Alitalia, the true and authentic Italian flag in the skies. They told us again... visionary, too ambitious. Then, leaving those deaf buildings, we had the idea of putting Italy back at the center of the world, where it must always be the leader in beauty, creativity, and hospitality. We were looking for a brand that had the same charm as Alitalia, but it wasn't easy. It was one night, during a walk in Rome, that our eyes were opened. Roma is the master of the world. AviAROMA was the choice, and it was easy. We brought the energy that the city and Italy constantly give us into the project. Exciting, beautiful, fair, and very, very ambitious. But if our ancestors had not been ambitious, nothing would exist. So why not try? Then why not believe it? We were born like this with a vision, which then became a set of visions, just a few around a table, which then became a family of enthusiasts. We are a band of brothers fulls of love for Italy and beauty in our eyes. Furthermore, we will take it to the skies; as we said, now is the time. This is who we are.

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Paltrinieri R.Flavio CEO and founder

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Our Trip



The idea is born, and we start writing the project from a blank sheet of paper.


The first black-and-white project

Once the first project has been written, the first feasibility plan begins.


Feb 22, 2023

22 February, presentation of the project to those involved in the project and to the press.


Aug. 21, 2023

​The first selections of employee personnel begin


Feb, 10, 2024

Let's become reality


Press about us

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